Projects in development
Support Humane Horse Handling to bring these projects to the horses and people in need.
We can’t do it without your support!
Semi-feral herd guardianship
After 30 years, the Penn Vet New Bolton Center Semi-feral Herd is retiring from the University of Pennsylvania to be re-homed under HHH guardianship. Their new home is a vast property in beautiful hillside preserve with pasture and woodlands beneath Bald Mountain in Northeastern Pennsylvania. There they will continue to serve as an educational and community service resource, carrying on the goal of education of the equine community and public on natural animal/horse behavior and the relevance to health and welfare of domestically managed animals.
Please consider helping to support this important project.
Humane Horse Handling Webinars and educational materials
Working with horses can be dangerous, and we want to help people, and horses, stay safe. We are currently developing a curriculum and collection of resources for equine professionals and lay people to learn and practice safe, humane and effective horse handling techniques for both wild and domesticated horses. Learning humane and non-confrontational horse handling can be easy and rewarding when you have an effective coach and a safe environment. We know good horse welfare and humane, safe and more efficient horse handling is within any horse owner or horse professional’s ability. By supporting Humane Horse Handling, you can help bring educational materials to those in need.
We can’t do this alone. With your support, these initiatives will reach the humans and horses in need sooner rather than later. We have the expertise and the knowledge to complete them, but we need your help with funding and resources.